Man's First Medicine: History of Essential Oils

An essential oil is that aromatic, volatile liquid that is within many shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes and seeds; that is usually extracted through steam distillation.
The Chemistry of an essential oil is very complex and may consist of hundreds of different and unique chemical compounds. More over, essential oils are highly concentrated and far more potent than dried herbs because of the distillation process that makes them so concentrated.
Ancient writings & traditions indicate that aromatics were used for religious rituals, treating illness & other physical and spiritual needs!
Records dating back to 4500 BC describe the use of balsamic substances with aromatic properties for medical applications & spiritual rituals. And the 1st distillation-apparatus dates from about 3500 BC, unearthed at Tepe Gawra in north east Mesopotamia ( today’s Iraq).
The Egyptians may have later been the 1st to discover the potential of fragrance & aromatic blends.
The use of aromatic plants, herbs and flowers is the oldest form of healing disease and pain and was used throughout history. Knowledge about the medicinal effects of flowers, plants and herbs have been recorded in the oldest writings in history. Additionally there’s the therapeutic value of these precious scents and aromatic therapies which have incredible effects on the mind and senses.